Hellow Fellas!

Did you think one thing about this? where is household financial resources come from?

We know that our father worked so hard, then he got a salary every month right?

But I always think it's not enough. For example, years ago my family has 4 kids (college, high school, and elementary school). In addition, we have installments for houses, cars, and motorcycles. So many expenses must be out of my mother's wallet. But she is amazing with budgeting. 

Then I worked before as an employee (fashion designer assistant). I had a month's salary too. But I can't be managing it well haha. I always feel that's not enough for me. Although I budget my primary needs, I can't spend it freely. Then I told this problem to my parents, and they were laughing at me. They say my salary was so small number. Maybe that's my problem of me. 

Moreover, as a parental burden. My parent helped me in my daily life, and I can see that. Their money never runs out. Maybe we don't know yet. But I feel grateful to Allah, who always gave fortune at any moment. Then I knew how much my dad's salary was, my mom's salary, and house expenses. 

Another time, I think it's very often that my mom shopping for his hobby. Likewise, my dad, who always online shopping. I receive packages every day. Then I feel like has a sugar mommy and sugar daddy at home.  I ask this, and he gave it. I want that, she bought me. Sometimes my mom asked me to go to the mall to shop, then I refuse. Because I don't know, I think my needs were enough. I can't be exaggerating. 

There are ways to reach sustenance, work hard, and don't recognize work-life balance. They always work together like 24/7.  Even that weekend! Alhamdulillah, really grateful for this point. But rarely, I really dizzy about their contention. First child gen, three of us. so faithfully. we are always in rivalry moments. Like every day - every time. 

That's it, entrepreneur. Which makes me inspired:)

Topic 3 : Parental 
