
This is me, Diva. 

Sometimes pretty, sometimes ugly. hahaha, do you know why? the answer depends on the situation. We know right, that women show their beauty with makeup or just naturally. Do some makeup for ourself, be yourself. Not for someone else.

Actually, I'm feeling enjoy with no makeup in front of my boyfie, even though that is a date :) But he also told me it's okay for him, he loves me with no makeup too. Because we usually met in the middle of noon for practicing archery. So basically I met my boyfie in the natural condition as I am. So this moment made me say, "I'm pretty right? I'm the most beautiful girl in the world, cuz I'm exotic you know" >,< wkwkwk

For some events, I rarely put on makeup. Just because, I don't want to be beautiful haha. why? number one is I have a boyfie. Then the second is I don't like being approached by men. Third, we are just beautiful for ourselves, not for someone. Most of the man always do flirty with beautiful women right? with natural makeup or something else. In this condition, I said to myself "I'm ugly, plz don't greet me, plz ignore me". I really like doing this at my course, coffee shop when I was alone, walking outside, etc. 

But some girls really exaggerated his makeup. Because they want to be noticed by everyone. Maybe she is single and find someone to notice her. it's okay guys, you have to do that. if you need it. 

I say I'm a beautiful woman. 

I say I'm ugly too.

in the same time:)

Topic 5 : I'm beautiful also ugly too
